Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Twenty seconds in Snow intoxication.

168 meters high is the highest mountain in Schleswig-Holstein. It operates Horst Schnoor Germany's northernmost ski lift? Since 38 years ago. What is at Bungsberg mostly missing, however, is not quite unimportant: the snow.
  The thermometer has risen to five degrees. Storm gusts sweeping across the sea. It's raining on verdant meadows. The conditions in the northern German Ski area on that day could hardly be worse. The Bungsberg with 168 meters is more than ever a lonely hill in the north German lowlands. No walker has focused on the highest mountain in Schleswig-Holstein between Luebeck and Kiel lost. The cows, from spring until late autumn graze here, are stable.

Only one man stands up there and points in the distance. "With good view from here is the ships in the Baltic see," says Horst Schnoor, "we are proud of our mountain? On each meter." He pulls the cap with fur occupied in the face, initially checked the engine, then the steel, the sad shake in the wind. "These are the stirrup, to which the people can firmly hold," he says. It opens up a non immediately that what there 200 meters wide leads down the hillside, a ski lift should be. Because what is lacking is absolutely crucial: the snow.
In early November, Horst Schnoor already had the lift installed and the pasture fences dismantled. Since 38 years, operates from the farmer Schönwalde on Bungsberg together with his neighbor Henry Schroeder's northernmost German ski lift.
Ten card for 6 euros
2500 people live in the small town in the Holstein Switzerland. The municipal administration had the lift for the 20,000 mark for a company in Grabenstätt am Chiemsee bought and entrusted the two. Because they heard the paddock on the southern flank of the mountain, the "shot slope," as Schnoor himself says. Many hours of operation since the lift has not yet behind him. Snow-free winter always ensured that the turf is always well recovered.
"There have been years since I had hardly any pleasure at all the thing up," confesses the 70-year-olds. Mostly because he has everything back on the trailer load and bring into the barn without the generator for the small cable car just angeschmissen once was.
LOCKE gap and Benne OchsOliver Lück is on Europe tour. With the young Hovawart-bitch Locke and his motorhome he travels first through the Czech Republic, Poland, Estonia, Latvia - and then always follow your nose. When SPIEGEL ONLINE reported Lück regularly by people and their Geschichten.Doch again this year are the ski passes printed again, mulled wine and sausages for the après-ski party are reserved. The old caravan, which Schnoor seated and Schroeder and the tickets will sell, is already as a "valley station" ready.
A ticket will cost tens of 6 euros, a ticket for 20 Liftfahrten 8 euros, a day ticket 10 euros. "With the prices we have tightened somewhat," says Schnoor, "is nothing cheaper." On the back of the passports is also the phone number of farmers, among whom one will be under the snow conditions can inquire. In the last two winters, no one called.
More attentive prosecuted Horst Schnoor cold evenings at the weather forecast. Because the next morning it might be ready. "I feel it when there is snow," he says. Just as in January five years ago, when the Bungsberg better winter conditions than in Bavaria had. "Zero centimeters in the south, almost ten with us," says he is today.
Nearly three weeks of the elevator was consistently in operation. Previously, he had five years quietly confessed. But now came on some days more than 2000 skiers, snowboarders and Rodler on the mountain. Even families from the resin and Denmark were then angereist. "There was a total traffic chaos," recalls Schnoor, "also on the elevator was always jam." The only creates about 600 people in the hour.
Eight days lift operation three years ago
When impressive 17 percent gap takes the exit to the 300-meter-long slope down only about 20 seconds. "Sometimes we build a slalom on, so we went half a minute on the road." However, if you are not comfortable swings glides down the runway, already has a few seconds after the barbed wire fence at the end of the coupler reached. And then you have the snake back into the elevator, sometimes five minutes or longer, and more minutes up to the summit.
ON TO SPIEGEL ONLINE gold prospectors in Lapland: The Nuggets by Lamborghini City (19.11.2008) Kiiking-world 'swings is addictive "(07.10.2008) Vilanu TV in Latvia: News from neighbors (30.09.2008) Years ago, pondered Horst Schnoor , A used snow cannon indicated. The cost estimate he had been given leave. Once the temperature below minus one degree drops, so he had white on stocks can produce. "It would be nice sometimes to be able to help," he says. But the price of almost 50,000 euros prevented the snow from the retort. Now he considers a second elevator to install. "One for sled."
That the consequences of global warming the snow limit increase and the North German Plain soon absolutely no white winter could mean more, let Schnoor not believe: "Five years ago we had so many days like snow since the late eighties no longer." And three winters were nevertheless also been here eight days. Every minute we have then used as the Liftwirt, "from morning until it was dark."
The hope may Horst Schnoor therefore also for this season not give up: "The winter is coming, we are ready." Until April, the elevator will remain? as in any year. It could eventually some day to be white. "That I think really," says the farmer. And the belief is well known even move mountains.

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