Monday, December 22, 2008

"Come to me, sisters !".|| Naples is in the crib important than the Christmas tree - but it will not only adorned with biblical figures. Even politicians, celebrities and priests find their place here, often, however, quite good food presentation.   Behind the head of Lega Nord leader Umberto Bossi is on the dulcimer. In addition, Berlusconi with a golden crown and a broom in his hand. Lüpft right of a monk's robe and exults: "Come to me, sisters!" On the Nativity stand in the Via San Gregorio Armeno in the town of Naples is to eat. "Qui in Vision Pastori dalle mani pullite" - "Here you can see shepherds with clean hands" is about the delivery? an allusion to the criminal investigations of the nineties. Celebrities and politicians are ready for their use in the Christmas crib. Compared waiting on a double Footballer buyers. Even Nicolas Sarkozy, and Barack Obama have already been to the famous street of the Nativity Bauer managed. And a few meters away is ! a huge Puppenstube insight into the daily lives of the Neapolitans in the 18th Century. Bakers push their pizza in the oven, market women offer their vegetables, and a farmer pumping water from the wells. The Nativity scene in Naples has an important role as the Christmas tree. Finally, the Neapolitans as the inventor of the "Nativity figures." Was originally to the portrayal of the Holy Family, later came increasingly painted terracotta figures of donkeys, goats and sheep to do so. In the second half of the 16th Century, the first members of dolls made of wood, moving their arms and legs allows the characters in a variety of ways. Their heyday enjoyed the nativity art under the Bourbon King Charles III. in 18th Century. His crib, several palace rooms filled it. Well were also depicted everyday scenes and landscape pictures. The Krippenbau was a popular hobby of nobles. "The princesses sewed some gorgeous clothes, the King determines the list," says Laura Vigilante guid! e. Blanks for the hobby handymen Today is the Christmas cr! ib at th

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