Friday, February 13, 2009

Sylt is the U.S. island redesigned.

Sylt is actually quite passable, is not it? Director Roman Polanski, however, wants to expand Germany's favorite island for his film "The Ghost" as a U.S. territory issue. List is therefore American street name and overhead telephone lines.


Westerland - Ausnahmezustand on the North Sea island of Sylt: Holidaymakers should not be surprised when in early March only "VIPs" on the ferry to Denmark must.

Sylt: As US-clad island

Because then rotates the director Roman Polanski there parts of his film "The Ghost". The ship "Syltexpress", concluded between the Danish island of Sylt Rømø and wrong, therefore, 3 to 6 March for vacationers locked notify the tourist office in Westerland with.

In other changes at Sylt during the filming a lot: The island is in such a way that they like the island of Martha's Vineyard off the U.S. east coast looks like.

The toll road in Listland receives phone lines overhead. And in the port list of street signs are replaced and ship's name painted over.

Polanski filmed with the actors Olivia Williams, Ewan McGregor, Pierce Brosnan, Jim Belushi, Kim Catrall, and the same thriller from bestselling author Robert Harris. The shooting, in early February at the Studio Babelsberg begun.

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